Windward Studios API Reference Namespace
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Glossary Item Box


ClassDatasetParameter A parameter for the dataset select.
ClassDataSourceWrapper Utilities for the C# datasources.
ClassFilterBase Base class for SelectFilter and SelectList. Objects of this type can be passed as Map.Entry to DataSourceProvider.setMap(). If getGlobalMetaIdentifier is set this list/filter will be applied to any select that uses the column/node defined in getGlobalMetaIdentifier and will add a condition for this item.
ClassFilterCondition A specialized filter value for a select parameter. The filter(s) in this object will be substituted in as the select condition on any select that uses the ${var} in the select where the "var" is the key for this value as passed to DataSourceProvider.setMap(). If passed 0 filters that will replace the select condition with true so that all rows are returned.
ClassFilterCondition.Condition An individual condition in the filter.
ClassFilterList A specialized list value for a select parameter. The list of items must be of type String, Number, or Date and these values will be substituted in as the select condition on any select that uses the ${var} in the select where the "var" is the key for this value as passed to DataSourceProvider.setMap(). A list with no items is an error.
ClassMetaDataElement This represents a node of metadata used by AutoTag. This data can be SQL tables, XML lists, or a data element in a user created datasource.


InterfaceIDataSourceMetaData Returns metadata about the node the implementing DataSourceNode class holds.
InterfaceIDataSourceProviderMetaData A datasource provider that has the AutoTag metadata parts also.


EnumerationDataSourceWrapper.PARAM_MODE How to handle parameter substitution in selects. The int values of these must match
EnumerationFilterBase.SORT_ORDER How to override the sort for this item in the select.
EnumerationFilterCondition.Condition.DATA_TYPE The data type of the value.
EnumerationFilterCondition.Condition.OPERATION The conditions operation - "x OPERATION y".
EnumerationMetaDataElement.NODE_TYPE What type of node it is.

See Also

Windward Studios - .NET Document Generation software