Windward Studios API Reference
PropertyValue Class Members
See Also  Properties  Send comments on this topic.
net.windward.api.csharp Namespace : PropertyValue Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by PropertyValue.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAllowedValuesAllowed values for a String enum value. null if not an enum.  
Public PropertyBoolValueGets a boolean value. A value considered as false if it is a null or empty string or a string that equals to one of: false, 0 (zero), off, no. Any other value is treated as a true value.  
Public PropertyIntValueGets an integer value.  
Public PropertyIsAllowedAreFlagsAllowed values are flags, several can be set as ; delimited.  
Public PropertyMaxThe max value allowed for an int value. Integer.MAX if not set.  
Public PropertyMinThe min value allowed for an int value. Integer.MIN if not set.  
Public PropertyStringValueGets a string value.  

See Also

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