Windward Studios API Reference
ProcessData(IDictionary<String,IReportDataSource>) Method
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net.windward.api.csharp Namespace > Report Class > ProcessData Method : ProcessData(IDictionary<String,IReportDataSource>) Method

The list of data source providers. Each element maps the provider name to its actual implementation (an instance of IReportDataSource). The providers is the data that will be placed into the report where there are tags. Only tags with these datasources will be processed. A value of "" is legitimate and signifies the default datasource.

Glossary Item Box

Process multiple sets of data for the report. This method can be called multiple times - but only once for each datasource. This method can only be called by objects create with ProcessReport(template) or ProcessReport(template, report). Do not pass in buffered streams if you have the option. ProcessReport wraps all streams in buffers, generally BufferedReader and BufferedWriter.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Overloads Sub ProcessData( _
   ByVal dataProviders As IDictionary(Of String,IReportDataSource) _
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Report
Dim dataProviders As IDictionary(Of String,IReportDataSource)
public void ProcessData( 
   IDictionary<string,IReportDataSource> dataProviders
Managed Extensions for C++ 
public: void ProcessData( 
   IDictionary<string*,IReportDataSource*>* dataProviders
void ProcessData( 
   IDictionary<String^,IReportDataSource^>^ dataProviders


The list of data source providers. Each element maps the provider name to its actual implementation (an instance of IReportDataSource). The providers is the data that will be placed into the report where there are tags. Only tags with these datasources will be processed. A value of "" is legitimate and signifies the default datasource.


net.windward.tags.TagExceptionthrown if there is an unmatched if/while - end. Not thrown in debug mode.
net.windward.xmlreport.AlreadyProcessedExceptionthrown if call process multiple times on an object.
net.windward.env.DataSourceExceptionthrown if there is a problem with the datasource. if have problems accessing the xml, template, or report streams


Platforms: Windows 10, Windows NT, Windows Server

See Also

Windward Studios - .NET Document Generation software