Windward Studios API Reference
ReportCharset Property
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net.windward.api.csharp Namespace > Report Class : ReportCharset Property

Glossary Item Box

Html and txt files are generated using a charset (the rest use unicode). Normally html files are generated using utf-8 (unicode) except for HTML_1 which uses the native charset. Txt files are normally generated using the native charset. The native charset is not the .NET native charset, it is the default charset set in the template document. This call allows you to force to charset the report is written in. The passed in value is the Windows codepage (Western Europe is 1252). This has nothing to do with reading in the template, it only affects the charset the output report is written in. The special enums CHARSET_* allow you to set this to values other than a specific charset.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Property ReportCharset As Report.CHARSET
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Report
Dim value As Report.CHARSET
instance.ReportCharset = value
value = instance.ReportCharset
public Report.CHARSET ReportCharset {get; set;}
Managed Extensions for C++ 
public: __property Report.CHARSET get_ReportCharset();
public: __property void set_ReportCharset( 
   Report.CHARSET value
property Report.CHARSET ReportCharset {
   Report.CHARSET get();
   void set (    Report.CHARSET value);


Platforms: Windows 10, Windows NT, Windows Server

See Also

Windward Studios - .NET Document Generation software