Windward Studios API Reference
Parameters Property
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net.windward.api.csharp Namespace > Report.BatchReport Class : Parameters Property

Glossary Item Box

Parameters that may have ${var} parameters in the value part of the entry. This is returned in each iteration with the ${var} values substituted with the string value of that var.The key value is ignored by the engine.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public ReadOnly Property Parameters As IDictionary(Of String,String)
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Report.BatchReport
Dim value As IDictionary(Of String,String)
value = instance.Parameters
public IDictionary<string,string> Parameters {get;}
Managed Extensions for C++ 
public: __property IDictionary<string*,string*>* get_Parameters();
property IDictionary<String^,String^>^ Parameters {
   IDictionary<String^,String^>^ get();


Platforms: Windows 10, Windows NT, Windows Server

See Also

Windward Studios - .NET Document Generation software