Windward Studios API Reference
Report.DrillDownInfo Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Send comments on this topic.
net.windward.api.csharp Namespace : Report.DrillDownInfo Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by Report.DrillDownInfo.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorReport.DrillDownInfo ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

Public PropertyGuidThe AutoTag document guid of the template.  
Public PropertyPipeNameThe named pipe name. WDDP_DOCX_1234 or similiar.  
Public PropertyTemplateDirThe directory the template file is in. This will always have a trailing /.  

Public Methods

Public MethodToDrillDownInfoConverts to the engine class for this info.  

See Also

Windward Studios - .NET Document Generation software