Windward Studios API Reference
Pages Property
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net.windward.api.csharp Namespace > ReportHtml Class : Pages Property

Glossary Item Box

Get an array of pages where each page is represented by a byte array (for easy file output) This only returns the array if the html.split_pages property is enabled, otherwise it returns null. This can only be called after processing a report.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public ReadOnly Property Pages As List(Of Byte())
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As ReportHtml
Dim value As List(Of Byte())
value = instance.Pages
public List<byte[]> Pages {get;}
Managed Extensions for C++ 
public: __property List<byte[]>* get_Pages();
property List<array<byte>>^ Pages {
   List<array<byte>>^ get();


Platforms: Windows 10, Windows NT, Windows Server

See Also

Windward Studios - .NET Document Generation software