Windward Studios API Reference
Tag Class Members
See Also  Properties  Send comments on this topic.
net.windward.api.csharp.errorhandling Namespace : Tag Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by Tag.

Public Properties

Public PropertyDataSourceNameGet the data source name this tag is bound to. This returns the empty string for the default data source.  
Public PropertyFullTagGet a string representation of this tag. If an error occurs during this method execution the empty string is returned and a warning is written to the log.  
Public PropertyNameGet the name of this tag, e.g. out, set, etc. The name always is returned as a lower-case string.  
Public PropertyNicknameGet the nickname of this tag. If the tag has no nickname, the empty string is returned.  
Public PropertyUnderlyingTagGet the underlying tag this view is representing. Used internally by AutoTag.  

See Also

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