Windward Studios API Reference
FilterCondition.Condition Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Send comments on this topic. Namespace : FilterCondition.Condition Class

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The following tables list the members exposed by FilterCondition.Condition.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorFilterCondition.Condition ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

Public PropertyFieldNameThe column (SQL) or node (XML) to compare on. If you are using aliases (SQL), this must use the alias.  
Public PropertyOpCodeThe OPERATION to use.  
Public PropertySqlOpCodeThe text string for the op code in a SQL statement.  
Public PropertyTypeThe data type.  
Public PropertyValueThe value for the filter.  
Public PropertyValueAsDateTimeThe value for the filter as a date_time.  
Public PropertyValueAsNumberThe value for the filter as a number.  
Public PropertyValueAsSqlWildcardsFor the operations BEGIN_WITH, NOT_BEGIN_WITH, END_WITH, NOT_END_WITH, CONTAINS, NOT_CONTAINS - and the value is a string, it will add wildcards as appropiate. For all other cases it returns the value.  
Public PropertyValueAsStringThe value for the filter as a string.  
Public PropertyXpathOpCodeThe text string for the op code in an XPath statement. Throws an exception on the opcodes that require a function.  

Public Methods

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)getOpCodeTextOverloaded. Get the text strings to match the opcode list.  
Public MethodToStringa string representation of the object.  

See Also

Windward Studios - .NET Document Generation software