Windward Studios API Reference
MetaDataElement Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Send comments on this topic. Namespace : MetaDataElement Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by MetaDataElement.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorMetaDataElement ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

Public PropertyChildrenThe children nodes of this node. For example the column nodes are children of the table node.  
Public PropertyDataDbTypeThe DbType for this node.  
Public PropertyDataTypeThe data type for this data  
Public PropertyDescriptionThe description of the node from the datasource metadata. Null if there is no description.  
Public PropertyFieldPrimaryKeyTrue if this field is the primary key in it's parent dataset. Used when configuring datasets. The primary key is the field used in a B.I. select for the dataset. The other fields are for display only.  
Public PropertyFieldSelectedTrue if this field is used in it's parent dataset. Used when configuring datasets.  
Public PropertyFullNameThe full name of this node. So for a column it is actually schema.table.column.  
Public PropertyIsDataBlobTrue if the DataType is a blob of some kind.  
Public PropertyIsDataBooleanTrue if the DataType is a boolean.  
Public PropertyIsDataCurrencyTrue if the DataType is a currency number. IsDataDecimal also returns true.  
Public PropertyIsDataDateTrue if the DataType is a date. Does not return true for time or offset.  
Public PropertyIsDataDecimalTrue if the DataType is a decimal number. Will return true for a currency.  
Public PropertyIsDataIntegerTrue if the DataType is a whole number type from byte up to int64 (and larger someday).  
Public PropertyIsDataNumberTrue if a whole or decimal number.  
Public PropertyIsDataStringTrue if the DataType is a string.  
Public PropertyMetaTypeThe NODE_TYPE for this node.  
Public PropertyNameThe name of the node such as the table or column name. This is the name as used so if a column has an alias, this is the alias.  
Public PropertyPropertiesAll the displayed properties for this metadata. Changing the returned values has no effect on this object.  
Public PropertySelectThe select that created this node. This can be null.  
Public PropertySubSelectThe select stripped of the ${var. and } part.  
Public PropertyUniqueNameThe name to use depending on the UseFullName setting.  
Public PropertyUseFullNameIf true use the full name, if false use the Name.  

Public Methods

Public MethodAssignBasePropsAssigns the base member vars (i.e. not Children).  
Public MethodCloneClones the MetaData object.  
Public MethodDataRemapResultLooks up dictionary for remapped data intended for use with enums to real names  
Public MethodDoesRemapResultLooks up dictionary for if data remaps intended for use with enums to real names  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromXmlRead the xml to deserialize this object.  
Public MethodToXmlWrite this out to XML (for serialization).  

See Also

Windward Studios - .NET Document Generation software