Windward Studios API Reference
XmlDataSourceImpl Class
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net.windward.api.csharp Namespace : XmlDataSourceImpl Class

Glossary Item Box

This supplies a data source to Windward Reports using XPathDatasource.
To reference a data element from a <wr:forEach ... var="item" > or <wr:query ... var="item" > tag inside another tag, use the following construct: '${item}/xpath' where xpath is an xpath reference from the node defined by item and the reference will return a single element.
When inside a forEach where step='N' where N > 1, you can also use ${item[1]}/xpath ... ${item[N-1]}/xpath to reference data for the N rows in each step. ${item[0]}/xpath is legal but redundent. You can also use <wr:if test='$item[1]}'> which will return true if the row[1] exists. Keep in mind that [1], [2], ... is not an absolute count but an offset from the base row presently on in the loop. And you cannot index past the set of rows that are the row presently on and the rows that will be skipped by step.

Object Model

XmlDataSourceImpl Class


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
<ObsoleteAttribute("Use SaxonDataSourceImpl (XPath 2.0) instead")>
Public Class XmlDataSourceImpl 
   Inherits DataSourceImplBase
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As XmlDataSourceImpl
[Obsolete("Use SaxonDataSourceImpl (XPath 2.0) instead")]
public class XmlDataSourceImpl : DataSourceImplBase,  
Managed Extensions for C++ 
[Obsolete("Use SaxonDataSourceImpl (XPath 2.0) instead")]
public __gc class XmlDataSourceImpl : public DataSourceImplBase,  
[Obsolete("Use SaxonDataSourceImpl (XPath 2.0) instead")]
public ref class XmlDataSourceImpl : public DataSourceImplBase,  

Inheritance Hierarchy



Namespace: net.windward.api.csharp

Platforms: Windows 10, Windows NT, indows Server

Assembly: WindwardReportsAPI (in C:\agent\_work\1\s\Engine\DotNetEngine\WindwardReportsAPI\bin\Release\net48\WindwardReportsAPI.dll)

See Also

Windward Studios - .NET Document Generation software