Windward Studios API Reference
Issue.IssueType Enumeration
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net.windward.api.csharp.errorhandling Namespace : Issue.IssueType Enumeration

Glossary Item Box

Types of issues that can be tracked by the error handling. They can be set via a tag's error-handling attribute or the Report Designer's Options dialog. If a type is selected, it would be checked and reported, otherwise it would be ignored.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum Issue.IssueType 
   Inherits System.Enum
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Issue.IssueType
public enum Issue.IssueType : System.Enum 
Managed Extensions for C++ 
__value public enum Issue.IssueType : public System.Enum 
public enum class Issue.IssueType : public System.Enum 


FormattingIgnore tag formatting errors.
NodeDoesNotExistA tag's node must exist.
NodeNullA tag's node must exist and it must not be null.
SelectIgnore tag select errors.
TypeIgnore tag type errors.
VerifyA verification issue. The verification of generated report is performed during processComplete call. It checks for things like an image is off page, etc.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Namespace: net.windward.api.csharp.errorhandling

Platforms: Windows 10, Windows NT, indows Server

Assembly: WindwardReportsAPI (in C:\agent\_work\1\s\Engine\DotNetEngine\WindwardReportsAPI\bin\Release\net48\WindwardReportsAPI.dll)

See Also

Windward Studios - .NET Document Generation software